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The beast within

8:43 pm, Monday 1st August 2016

Just the other week when National Moon Day took place, social media platforms were set ablaze by a variety of images and fun facts about our Moon. Moon cycles are fundamental in the works of astrologers and psychics, who utilise the planetary movements to predict the future. Many also believe that the moon has a direct impact on our lifestyles, behaviours, moods, intellect and more. Even though we all know that werewolves are a myth (sorry Twilight fans!), but how much exactly does the moon affect us?


A team of researchers decided to put this to an actual study and found just how much the moon affects us: Answer - none. Lead scientists at the Eastern Ontario Research Institute, stated that after extensive research,  ‘compelling evidence that the moon does not seem to influence people’s behaviour’.


They have conducted their test on a broad range of 5812 children, as adolescents are deemed more susceptible to behavioural changes, making them the ideal candidates. During the test, they divided the moon cycle into three primary phases: full moon, half-moon and new moon. The results show that extra sleep time during a full moon was a mere five minutes less than a new moon by a negligible one percent. Besides that, there were no changes in moods or activities. Extensive research seemed to prove that ‘Our behaviours are mostly influenced by numerous other factors such as education, genes, income and psychosocial aspects rather than by gravitational forces.’  So everything apart from the moon then.


Aren’t you glad that large wads of tax payers money paid for these ‘scientists’ to determine that. We can all rest easily at the next full moon without fear of being attacked by either a werewolf or an adolescent. We can’t guarantee your safety from the hold our beautiful London escorts will have over you. These tantalising temptresses have a way of prising some of your most primal behaviour – whether it is a full moon or not so perhaps you will want to some of your own research instead? Call Silver Fox escort agency and find out if you have a beast within!